Kirklees Metropolitan Council
Community Involvement
About This Entry
Entry Title
Kirklees libraries: a co-produced, place-based service
Entry Description
Kirklees Metropolitan Council spans 157 square miles of vibrant towns (Huddersfield, Dewsbury & Batley) and iconic villages. After drastic local cuts to library funding and threats to libraries across England, it became clear to us that our fantastic libraries needed realigning with varying communities’ needs, to fulfil their frontline service potential. Kirklees Council is championing restorative management, our place-based approach aims to re-personalise services bespoke to resident’s needs. With 24 libraries serving over 440,000 residents, a co-production project was established to readdress individual communities’ needs and enable residents to become embedded into the library service design and delivery.
About This Category
About Category
This award is open to a single council or where appropriate a partnership of councils, or a council-owned company. Private sector partners can enter on a council’s behalf, with the permission of the council itself.
Many councils are seeking to establish a new relationship with local people and local communities. Community involvement and engagement is increasingly important as a way of shaping council thinking, contributing to service design and improvement and to responding to continuing resource pressures. It may also involve direct community involvement in service delivery. This award is intended to showcase the whole range of community involvement.