Three Rivers DC

Community Involvement

About This Entry

Entry Title
Leavesden Country Park
Entry Description
The rejuvenated Leavesden Country Park is a direct result of extensive community engagement. Since 2013, the local community have driven the vision to reflect and remember the significance of the heritage of the area Embedding the community ownership of the park is an ongoing aim. Achieved by building on the successes of the ‘Friends Of’ group and diverse activity programme to ensure we continue to meet the needs of the ever changing visitor to the park. The aim is for people to learn about the story of the park as a place of exploration and learning, waiting to be discovered.

About This Category

About Category
This award is open to a single council or where appropriate a partnership of councils, or a council-owned company. Private sector partners can enter on a council’s behalf, with the permission of the council itself. Many councils are seeking to establish a new relationship with local people and local communities. Community involvement and engagement is increasingly important as a way of shaping council thinking, contributing to service design and improvement and to responding to continuing resource pressures. It may also involve direct community involvement in service delivery. This award is intended to showcase the whole range of community involvement.

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