Adur DC and Worthing BC
Council of the Year
About This Entry
Entry Title
Local Government as a platform: supporting our communities through innovation
Entry Description
Adur and Worthing may be small; but that does not stop its Councils from adopting an innovative approach to delivering local services which delivers real benefits for its local communities. Ten years ago, Adur District and Worthing Borough Councils (two separate and distinct authorities on the south coast) became the first in the UK to adopt a shared services model. This has realised more than £10 million worth of savings over the past decade as well as identifying a radical approach forward which dozens have followed. More importantly, the Councils have built on that history of innovation and experimentation to begin to create a new role for the state at a local level. This focus has seen a move away from the traditional town hall with the creation of five platforms which are robust, resilient and adaptive enough to ensure residents, businesses and community organisations can work upon them to create prosperous and thriving places.
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About This Category
About Category
This award is only open to a council or, in exceptional circumstances, a partnership of councils. The winner of this award will be the council which, on the basis of sustained performance, has the most learning to offer other councils.
The winner will be able to demonstrate a level of excellence and innovation that takes its work well beyond basic service provision. We seek to stress that this award is not about size, or about any natural advantages that a council might enjoy due to its location, but about the delivery of quality outcomes and community leadership, and a council doing the best for its area.