Ashford BC
Diversity and Inclusion
For any queries about this entry, please contact:
Anne Forbes, Refugee Resettlement Co-ordinator, Ashford Borough Council
email: Anne.Forbes@ashford.gov.uk
About This Entry
Entry Title
Syrian resettlement programme
Entry Description
The Syrian refugee crisis shocked the world. Remember specifically the image of a child washed up on the shore in Turkey. That image is as harrowing today as it was then and was an important reference point for our involvement in the national programme to resettle the most vulnerable Syrian refugees. Our Syrian families have inspired so many people within our borough – they have even inspired an art project. Their resilience and humility are moving and our determination to help normalise their lives has brought communities together for the better. Ashford will never be the same again.
About This Category
About Category
This award is open to a single council or where appropriate a partnership of councils, or a council-owned company. Private sector partners can enter on a council’s behalf, with the permission of the council itself.
This award recognises strong performance by a council, with a primary focus on the relevant timescale, in developing a diverse and inclusive culture that permeates the council itself and its workforce and/or the broader local area.
The entry could demonstrate the council’s attempts to foster a more diverse and inclusive workplace for all employees, and members, and describe how this is helping to attract and retain talent. It could include internal council initiatives, customer/service user-facing work, or work to promote a wide range of careers on the council to appeal to different people.
The entry could alternatively focus more on the broader local area, highlighting initiatives to foster diversity and help facilitate inclusion across the local community. It could include how the council has worked with other business and other local organisations to improve opportunity or participation. It could look at engagement.