Barnsley MBC
Community Involvement
If you have any questions about this entry, please contact Claire Dawson: clairedawson@barnsley.gov.uk
About This Entry
Entry Title
Railway embankment project
Entry Description
The railway embankment project has been the best initiative in terms of community involvement that Barnsley Council has ever been involved with. Not only has the project dealt with a huge problem in terms of decades of flytipping , but it has brought the community together in order to turn a ‘ fly-infested pile of rotting waste’ and a ’health hazard’ into an wildlife haven and educational site for the wider community to use. This beautiful piece of land exists in an urban part of the borough but provides a rural escape for schools, services and the wider community.
About This Category
About Category
This award is open to a single council or where appropriate a partnership of councils, or a council-owned company. Private sector partners can enter on a council’s behalf, with the permission of the council itself.
Many councils are seeking to establish a new relationship with local people and local communities. Community involvement and engagement is increasingly important as a way of shaping council thinking, contributing to service design and improvement and to responding to continuing resource pressures. It may also involve direct community involvement in service delivery. This award is intended to showcase the whole range of community involvement.