Barnsley MBC
Children’s Services
About This Entry
Entry Title
Children's social care service
Entry Description
In 2018 Ofsted fed back to us our own assessment of our operating environment; 'Social work practice in Barnsley is flourishing. Social workers are confident practitioners who know their children well. Practice is child-focused and the voice of the child is embedded throughout the service. Manager oversight of individual cases is clearly evidenced. Leaders and managers have created a culture in which social workers are valued, feel valued, and are proud to work for Barnsley.' Barnsley Children’s Services has become an employer of choice in the region, with not a single agency social worker used for over 3 years. We provide supportive and visible leadership; a great WD offer and career pathway for all our staff; we celebrate good practice whilst striving for the 'even better'. With excellent recruitment and retention of skilled and experienced Social Workers, children and families benefit from stable and consistent relationships with social workers who they know, a pre-requisite to building trust, achieve change and improve outcomes for vulnerable children.
About Category Sponsor
About Category Sponsor
’We are very pleased to be sponsoring the Children’s services, Public Health & Health and Social Care award categories at this year’s LGC Awards. It has certainly been a very challenging year for a number of reasons, not least a global pandemic, so we are looking forward to celebrating the outstanding achievements across local government this afternoon.
Attenti consulting is a specialist consultancy delivering bespoke, sustainable solutions to a range of health and social care clients; with a passion to promote best practice across the sector through the facilitation of webinars, commissioning research & white papers and hosting events to encourage shared learning and sector-led improvement.
Do visit our website to see how we have supported clients with various challenges www.attenti-consulting.co.uk
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About This Category
About Category
This award is open to a single council or where appropriate a partnership of councils, or a council-owned company. Private sector partners can enter on a council’s behalf, with the permission of the council itself.
Children’s Services are very much a service under pressure. There is an imperative to protect vulnerable children, the importance of early intervention and the changing relationship with schools – all under an intense media spotlight. This award is intended to recognise the success of those councils that adopt a genuinely strategic approach to this vital service area.